We are now officially under 20 days until the wee one makes her debut. Hopefully. I'm betting she's going to arrive early based on what the Dr. said this last week. He mentioned that I've started to thin out quite a bit already. We'll get another update tomorrow at my appointment. Chris and I are betting November 26-28 as her window of arrival. Do you have any guesses?
Today I'm sitting here at 37 weeks and 2 days. I THINK I've started to have some Braxton Hicks contractions, but I'm not exactly sure. There are times when my stomach will get insanely tight and you can't feel her positioning at all, but this doesn't hurt and isn't a lot of pressure either. I'm crossing my fingers that this is what's going on and I'm just "immune" to the pain.
Other than that, I've really be so lucky with a great pregnancy thus far with hardly any complaints. My back is holding up strongly, and my feet don't look like stuffed sausages yet, so we're doing OK!
Here are some pictures that we shot yesterday (after a nap, hence my lovely appearance).
I wish I had more to post about with projects around the house. The truth is I've been nesting and getting the house organized and all of my supplies purchased before we bring her home. I did get my Christmas decorations up yesterday in preparation for her homecoming. I decided that I didn't want to be putting decorations up after Thanksgiving in my 39 week...if I last that long. If I waited too long, I'd be putting them up after she's born...in which case Chris would be putting them up. Disaster. So I opted for the extremely early approach. No one can blame me. I'm pregnant. I do what I want.
Today will be spent vacuuming out the car and installing the car seat. Also making a run to the store for last minute items to throw in my hospital bag. Then to choose my going home outfit and get that packed (hers has been decided on and packed for MONTHS). Then we will finally be in business. The bags will go in the car and we will be ready for whenever her little heart desires to bless us with her presence. Don't worry, the cameras [still and video] are already packed and charged. Expect photos very soon after the birth, as I know we'll be anxious to brag about her immediately.
Any plans for your lovely Wednesday? Any guesses as to when she'll arrive? Any last minute guesses on her name? (No, we're not giving it away, but the guesses keep us entertained!) Later gators.
I don't have to guess, I know you are naming her after me. I think she will come on Thanksgiving day because she'll want to get out in time for the good food - she is y'alls' kid and my namesake after all.