29 November 2011

No Peeking!

So much to catch up on!
I didn't realize it has been so long since I've posted something fabulous (or anything, for that matter). I had a doctor appointment on Nov 23rd, and he informed me that I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. I thought for sure I'd be headed to the hospital within a few days...no such luck. 

Thanksgiving was a GREAT time with friends. 
We shared a potluck style meal, and everything was delicious!!

Chris and I did a lot of relaxing and watching of football over the weekend. We wanted to be extra caught up on sleep if Mini decided to make her arrival soon.

On Sunday I had a few contractions, with no consistency in between. They fizzled and faded away after a couple of hours. We even took the dogs for a walk in hopes of getting things moving a little faster. Again, no luck. 

So what do I do? Bust out my crafting stuff and get to work, of course!
I bought some fabric at JoAnn's to make my own nursing cover. After seeing so many in stores, I couldn't swallow the $40 price tag that most of the stores stocked. 

I purchased 2 yards of fabric and 20" of boning. A whopping $13 total. I chose to make my cover with a  "lining", just to be extra private. I don't want nobody peeking in on me when my parts are hanging out.

I used this link and that link, combining the two styles together. I already had a couple of D rings left over from making the diaper bag, so I used them for the strap.

I had it completed in just a short while. Here I am (looking oh so grand) sporting the new cover.

I loved the "hand drawn" look of the paisley. I figured I had to choose a girly fabric to let people know that I've got a little girl under there. To even further prove my point, I lined it with hot pink. Yes, I did. If you know me, this was a big pill to swallow. However, I Aimee'd it up with a secret little pocket for a burp cloth.

After finishing the cover, I gave it one last college try to put my self into labor. I vacuumed the ENTIRE house. Chris will stand by me on this one. He thought it was cute that I was nesting, but it was a combination of nesting and exercise, really. I was working hard!

Since Sunday night, after no more improvements or changes, I've been cleaning the house daily, and sleeping- trying to stock up. I've got another project on the back burner- as always. Maybe I'll get that out this afternoon. At this rate, I'll be so bored of waiting that I'll throw myself into several projects, have them spread all over the house, and then have to rush to the hospital with the house looking like a tornado came through. Ah, well. Such is life. I'll get over instantly once that little bundle lands in my arms.

Any guesses as to what day she'll be arriving? How big she'll be? Dark/light hair? 
I just can't wait to see my little Mini in person!

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