31 October 2011

Space Balls.

Another project that I tackled while me dad was here...

Space Balls.
(or so one of our friends called them)

I originally copied them from this pic on pinterest.

They remind me of Allium flowers, but I liked the all white look better. I think I could have achieved the colored look by dipping them into a shallow dish of food coloring.

Didn't figure out what it's made of yet? Here's a closer look.

Styrofoam balls and Q-tips.

It just so happens, I had an extra box of Q-tips on hand [because my pregnant brain forgot that we DIDN'T need any during one of my shopping trips]. I don't forget everything though. In fact, I remember an old answer from a years-ago game of Trivial Pursuit. The question was, "What does the Q in Q-tip stand for?" Out of the multiple choice questions, my guess was Quality. I was right! Bazinga. That's probably the one and only time I can remember getting a question correct without any help from my family. Maybe that's why I can remember it. Success!

Have you made anything lately out of supplies you already had around the house?
Show me, show me!

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Here's a look back at a few of my favorite candy-grabbing outfits.

1985- 17 months

Back when neighbors would make bags of popcorn, 
and Nestle crunch bars were still in a red wrapper.

1993- 9 years old

If you're not laughing now, wait just one second.

2011- 27 years old, 33.5 weeks pregnant

I can't wait for next year when little Mini will start the amazing tradition of dressing up in something ridiculously cute/funny while stocking up on sweets. 

Be safe and have a great holiday!

28 October 2011

A bit of brightening.

My dad and I always dive into some sort of project when we're together. During his visit this time, we painted the guest bathroom. It was on my long list of things to do to the house at some point, but it seemed the most time-convenient project during his visit.

Here's the bathroom before:

I chose a celery green (specifically Olive Marinade by American Tradition) to match the existing vibe and accessories already in the room. 

While taking down the hideous "backstage" lighting (which I also planned to replace one day), we couldn't help but notice the gigantic hole they chose to put in the sheet rock. Lovely. So now when I wanted to replace the fixture, I had to look for something with an enormous wall base to cover it up...I'm not going the other direction to have someone fix the hole in the dry wall. 

A better close-up.

Lucky for me, after this quick discovery, Dad offered to foot the bill for a new light. The hunt was on. We couldn't find anything in stock at Lowes or Home Depot, so we opted for the online order. We found a perfect replacement that shoots the light upwards towards the ceiling- even better. 

Here she is:

I received the light in the mail on Monday and immediately dove into swapping it out. I again, quickly discovered a quirk. Whoever put the hole in the wall must have screwed up with the original fixture, because the holes in the wall plate for the new fixture line up perfectly with the big hole in the sheet rock. Yay. Chris helped me drill new holes in the wall plate, which helped with the sturdiness of the entire light, anyway. The designers of the light apparently didn't take into consideration the weight of the glass. Had we not added extra screws to the wall plate, the whole fixture probably would've just fallen off the wall at some point. Lovely. Maybe I'll stay away from Seagull Lighting next time I'm in the market.

Here's the whole look together.

Still trying to figure out what to put above the toitie.

I added a special hook for Mini's towel. It had to be at her height, of course.

So there's the updated Guest Bath. Chris' best friend, Jerry is coming to visit this weekend, so he'll be the first to give it a test run. But, he's a boy, so I don't think he'll disapprove.

More to come on house projects!

15 October 2011

Nice little Saturday.

After my momma's visit last week, 
my daddy decided to come for a visit as well- but he wanted to ride his bike. 
No, not bike-cycle- a BMW Touring motorcycle.

After waiting for his call this morning to say he was off on his second leg- I get a call with ickier news.
Someone chose to ram his beautiful piece of machinery in the parking lot of his hotel.
So sad and maddening. Of course, no note was left. 
People are so aggravating.
Regardless, it's rideable.

Here's what I've been up to this morning while waiting for his arrival on his no longer mint-condition bike.

I finished this little jewel last night for a friend of mine (which she doesn't know she's receiving yet!)

After watering the pepper plants this morning, I found a few treasures.
Little Serrano peppers with gorgeous pops of color.

A teeny red Hot Portugal.

And a little shocker- our first RED PEPPER! YAY! I'm going to try and hold off picking it until the mister gets home at the beginning of the week. Eeeek!

And then during my attempt to snap a lovey photo of the pups for Mini's room, this is what I got.
Remmie smothering Kingston with her sisterly love. If there were not wet concrete and snaggletooth in this shot, it might've had a chance.

Finally, I didn't do this today, but I DID forget to take a picture of it last week when it was actually completely. A whole 5 minute of cutting contruction paper, and then arranging my beakers and sciency things on the front entry table, and it's ready for Halloween!

How are you spending your day?
Tailgating? Game day? House projects? Shopping? Yard work?


And so I thought I'd catch you up on the last week of madness around here.

My momma came to visit last Friday (which is why I haven't posted since then). 

Saturday was spent at Target, TJ Maxx/HomeGoods, Old Navy...you get the point. I was piling on the rest of the "essentials" that I needed before little miss Mini arrives...annnd a little shopping for myself. And if you know me, you know I don't EVER shop, so this was a milestone. 

Sunday was spent at the Little Rock Zoo for Momma's birthday- the biggest animal lover I'll ever know. 

I snagged a photo of this bad-a eagle before my battery died.

Monday we went to The Old Mill in North Little Rock. This is the site where the opening scene from Gone with the Wind was filmed (mom's FAVORITE movie). We had a nice little photo shoot of the us and Mini (in the belly). There were hundreds of pictures to pick from, and I think I narrowed it fairly well for you to get a good idea of what went on. Ha.

Chris liked the balloons...just not for the reason I was thinking of using them.

So excited for his little girl.

Hello baby.

The Old Mill

Love this light.

Baby Toms.

Waiting on you, little girl.

With our great friends, Kim and Sam.

We'll miss you dearly when you move away. 

So that was my week. That's all.

06 October 2011


I never get too crazy into Halloween, but I'm slowly getting there. I usually don't do anything more than a few pumpkins out front. Since I'm growing a family, I've become more interested in the silly holidays.

Yesterday I kept my fingers busy by creating these little bat creatures.

I sewed loops right onto their bodies so I could hang them easily.

Then I realized I could use our small flag holder in the front for the perfect dangling stick.

No, we still haven't done anything with the front bed. 

These little pumpkins are hanging on the front door.

I made them a couple of years ago in Del Rio, and now my Mother in law has requested a few of them for her door. I don't blame her, I love them.

I still have some plans for decorating pumpkins once we actually buy some. Maybe that can be an activity for the weekend while my mom is visiting!? Whad'ya think, mom?

Do you guys ever decorate for Halloween? If so, what do you dive into? I'm curious to know how crafty or tacky you get with the fall holiday!

Slacker McSlackerson

I just realized today that it's been almost a week since I've shared anything with you. Boo.

I have been doing some small things around the house, but nothing exciting. Mostly cleaning.

We picked our first green pepper yesterday.

Chris dove right in, attesting to its deliciousness.
After his first two bites, I burst into tears laughing. 
This is what he showed me.

Does it not look like some crazy little character staring back at you?

We also found some other little treasures in the garden.

It's not what you're thinking. We didn't dig up poop.
These are our ginormous purple potatoes. HA. 
I guess we'll try those again next year since this year we grew them for leprechauns. Oh well.

What have you been up to this week?