So... I invested a whole 85 cents into our master bedroom redesign.
Yes, less than a buck.
How did I do it? Mostly rearranging. Haha. Gotcha.
No, I didn't find any fabulous deals on bedding or accessories.
Just some good old fashioned nesting did the trick.
Here's a look back at what it looked like before.
Notice the items we had before, but just relocated.
This was when I purchased the lamps, which helped a little.
AND, here's the now.
The $0.85 was spent on a bottle of Kelly Green craft paint.
I painted over a piece that I was no longer in love with.
Can't see it? Here's a close up.
I put the idea together from a bunch of different prints that I'd found on Etsy.
Yes, I painted it according to what sides of the bed we sleep on.
Oops, secret's out. Now you all know.
That sheet looking wall hanging to the right is actually from Chris' grandmother.
It shows most, if not all, of the castles in Germany.
We love that it ties into our German heritage a bit.
Here's where I lived when I was little.
To the left between the windows.
We scored this print a while back at a flea market and loved it. We now finally have a place for it!
Yes, Ashley, it's a Matisse print.
A view back towards the door...and a very creepy Remmie-face.
The bench was brought down by my parents in May.
It works well for Chris when he puts his boots on in the morning,
since Kingston is usually sleeping in the chair, eliminating that option.
What d'ya think? Much better looking, I'd say.
This "redesign" (rearrangement) came about after Chris complained that our bedroom was the most plain room in the house. Not the case anymore.