Dr. Chang is awesome and so personable- just as everyone had told us. Excellent recommendation, guys!
Right off the bat, I got weighed and was thrilled to know that I'm a solid 5 lbs heavier than I was at the ER last weekend. [For those of you who don't know, I was lucky enough to snag a virus that was going around, and was dehydrated enough that we needed a trip to the ER to restock my fluids. Safety first!] Which of course means that I AM able to gain weight, woot!
We headed back to the room to go over simple health history, and then he jumped right into the ultrasound. Chris won't tell you, but he totally got teary-eyed before the doc even started up the machine. As soon as he snagged a good view of the little bean, then I was in the same boat. And then I laughed so hard that it made the doc jump and lose his view. A totally nerdy nervous laugh. From then on, I pretty much held my breath until he was done. It's finally set in and felt real!
Based on my cycle, I was expecting a mid-November due date. After measuring the baby, he determined that we're in this thing for 31 more long weeks. So, I'm only 9 weeks along, and have a due date of 12.5.2011! The little peanut is measuring just a smidge under an inch. For those of you who would like a visual- that's a whole black olive.
Whew, that's a long ways away, but it explains why my morning sickness started so late (8 wks), or so I thought. I was really 6 weeks when that lovely symptom came into view.
All in all, everything is great, and now the waiting begins for the next appointment...and then to find out the sex of the baby later on. I wanted to wait and have it be a surprise, but Chris has been great in letting me make so many decisions about the baby in general, I decided he could have this one choice of finding out. We'll be surprised with the next one, though. Hence, I'm writing that down here for you all to see. Don't think we'll give everything away though, the name will be kept a secret until birth.
We're beyond stoked about having a Mini Freed in our home by the end of the year. We'll keep you closely updated throughout this long journey.